Social Awareness

Like all schools in the Sacred Heart Network, Regis incorporates Goal III, a social awareness that impels to action, as a key foundational component of each school year. Regis actively engages students in educational, service outreach, as well as incorporating spiritual and reflective components into each project. All of these social awareness opportunities are designed to help boys develop into compassionate individuals driven by a lifelong commitment to service.

There are many special opportunities throughout the year in which students learn to serve others and work as a community. Some of these activities include:

  • Service days, held in November and March, where the entire school suspends classes for a day in order to participate in projects helping others in our community
  • Adopting a family through Kids’ Meals to help those in need to have a special Christmas celebration
  • Participating in donations and drives that are coordinated by all grade levels throughout the year for organizations such as Casa de Esperanza, K-9 Angels, Star of Hope and more
  • Supporting our sister school in Uganda. Each year, the boys raise funds to contribute to the Sacred Heart School at Kyamusansala Hill in Uganda
  • Participating in summer service projects through the Network of Sacred Heart schools for middle school students