At Regis, our role isn’t to define success for our students, but to inspire them to define success for themselves.
Through The Regis Experience, we strive to educate young men through the integration of Christian values, intellectual development and a strong sense of self discipline. Attention to the development of the whole child is at the heart of our educational mission. A serious and strong academic environment in the classroom inspires a lifelong love of learning. The Sacred Heart approach to academics instills the ability to think critically and independently while developing aesthetic values and a creative use of imagination. The five Sacred Heart Goals are woven into the daily life of our faculty and students. The use of these principles allows our school community to share a common “language” as well as providing unified direction for the path that we each travel. Our faculty strives to integrate these ideals within the context of a boys only education. We are committed to providing a unique family environment in which all members of the Regis community: students, parents, teachers, staff, the Board of Trustees and alumni, are welcome and feel “at home” in a nurturing and learning environment.
One of the important advantages of a single-sex education is the opportunity it presents to create a learning environment, literally and figuratively, that accommodates what boys and young men need. In a school that is boy-centered, teachers introduce more kinesthetic and sensory experiences into their curriculum, engaging boys more fully in their learning.” the international boys' schools coalition