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We are all-boys. We are Pre-K through eighth grade. We are an Independent, Catholic, Sacred Heart school. We are inclusive. We are accredited. This is Regis! 
Through a unique mix of challenging academics and the values of the Sacred Heart, Regis empowers boys of all faiths to become lifelong scholars and authentic, compassionate leaders. Our school community is nurturing, compassionate and committed to advancing the mission of Sacred Heart education established over 200 years ago. Each student has the freedom to explore their interests and make their own decisions in an atmosphere of wise freedom.

Come discover The Regis Experience and learn how our all-boys environment will empower your son to become a scholar and gentleman.

Regis is grounded in their mission to live out the Goals and Criteria of a Sacred Heart education: Faith, Intellect, Service, Community and Maturity. Through a wholistic and loving approach, Regis walks the walk every day with these boys and delivers on their promise: to shape boys into scholars and gentlemen, with intellect, integrity and honor."

Regis Middle School Parent

Contact Us

Regis Director of Enrollment Management Jen Lahad

Director of Enrollment Management
713-682-8383 x 5112

Associate Head of School for Advancement and Enrollment
713-682-8383 x 5117

Meagan Messina Regis Advancement Associate

Advancement and Enrollment Associate
713-682-8383 x 5113

Why Choose a Boys' School?

Regis' Unique Approach

A growing body of research shows that boys learn and develop differently from girls and that single-gender programs are more educationally effective for boys than coeducational ones.

Why Pre-K through Eighth?

Creating Consistency

Regis educators focus on the needs of boys from early childhood to adolescence, creating consistency for students throughout these developmental years in a supportive and loving community.

Life After Regis

Flourishing After Regis

Regis graduates develop a passion for learning and a foundation of moral character that serves them — and allows them to serve others — for a lifetime.