Why Choose a Boys' School?
Schools that make the intentional choice to focus on the intellectual, physical, social, and emotional lives of boys and young men share an appreciation for the intensity and complexity of boyhood. Educators at boys’ schools celebrate and value all that it means to be a boy.”
The International Boys’ Schools Coalition
Our vision is to serve the needs of boys in our diverse city, meeting their needs and their family's needs through the Goals of Sacred Heart education.
A growing body of research shows that boys learn and develop differently from girls and that single-gender programs are more educationally effective for boys than coeducational ones. At Regis, we have embraced the benefits of all-boy schools to create the best private school for boys in Houston, Texas. From major decisions about the design and operation of the school to small everyday details of running a classroom—our focus is always on what is best for boys.
Boys can be sportsmen, academics, hard workers or a combination of the three. Regis scholars and gentlemen always have a commonality though—any school can produce athletes and high academic achievers, Regis produces men of character.
- Lessons Focus on How Boys Learn Best
- Boys Can Avoid Stereotypical Social Pressure
- Co-Curricular Options Provide Non-Traditional Experiences
- Boys Learn Appropriate Social Skills
- A Strong Sense of Camaraderie
Lessons Focus on How Boys Learn Best
Boys Can Avoid Stereotypical Social Pressure
Co-Curricular Options Provide Non-Traditional Experiences
Boys Learn Appropriate Social Skills
A Strong Sense of Camaraderie
Why a School for Boys?
Download your free copy of Why a School for Boys? from the International Boys' Schools Coalition by submitting the below form.