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Fourth Grade Knighting Ceremony 2024

Regis Fourth Grade Knighting Ceremony

Every fall the Fourth Grade participates in a Knighting Ceremony. This ceremony is a culminating day for our Fourth Grade boys, and it officially marks them as leaders of the Lower School.For weeks, the boys study rigorously about a knight's chivalrous code of conduct, medieval history, the Five Sacred Heart Goals. Each gentleman worked hard to recognize growth opportunities around the Lower School and wrote a persuasive writing piece titled, "I am a Regis Knight."  They read aloud their plan to model one of the Goals of the Sacred Heart. Each promise is a way these Lower School leaders will instill positive change in themselves and others with the goal of building a stronger Lower School community. After sharing their promise, the students are knighted by the Head of School, Mr. Steven Turner. After the ceremony, the boys enjoy a medieval feast.

I am a Regis Knight. I commit myself to social awareness which compels to action. If someone is being bullied or gets hurt, I will stand up for them. I will support them and see if they are OK. I also will model social awareness by choosing to listen when someone is talking and not interrupting. I know my small actions can make a difference. I am a Regis Knight.  

Paul B., Regis Knight Class of 2029

I am a Regis Knight. I pledge to build community as a Christian value. I promise to welcome any visitors, shadow students, or new students. I will ask questions in an effort to embrace their unique culture and lifestyle. At morning recess, I will help younger kids who are arguing to talk to each other and compromise. I am a Regis Knight.  

Thomas Bliss

Thomas B., Regis Knight Class of 2029

I am a Regis Knight. I promise to model a deep respect for intellectual values. I will cheer for others in the classroom. When I am supporting another student, I will remind him he can do it and say positive things. I will also share my work proudly on the bulletin board in the hall. I hope this gets younger students excited about what they will be able to do in fourth grade. I am a Regis Knight. 

Phillip B., Regis Knight Class of 2029

I am a Regis Knight. I vow to commit myself to a personal and active faith in God. If I notice someone is sad, I will stop what I am doing and help cheer them up, just like God teaches me to do. I will also build my faith in God by participating at least once during every Religion class. I will encourage others to participate, too. I am a Regis Knight.  

Carter C., Regis Knight Class of 2029

I am a Regis Knight. I vow to commit myself to a personal and active faith in God. I vow to do something for someone else before myself at least two or three times a week outside. I vow to not destroy things because that means I am destroying God’s creation. I will appreciate what he has given and done for us. I am a Regis Knight.  

Collin D., Regis Knight Class of 2029

I am a Regis knight. I promise to model a deep respect for intellectual values. I will share my thoughts with the class and agree or disagree kindly. I will help others with mistakes. I will also choose to be positive and try even if I am not having a good day. I am a Regis Knight.  

Bertram D., Regis Knight Class of 2029

I am a Regis Knight. I commit myself to a social awareness that impels to action. If I notice someone being made fun of at lunch, I will tell the person it is not kind to say what he is saying. Anytime I see trash I will pick it up and I will not litter. I want to be a model of Goal III for the younger students. I am a Regis Knight.   

Henry F., Regis Knight Class of 2029

I am a Regis Knight. I vow to have a social awareness that compels to action every day. If someone says something inappropriate, I will teach him why it is not a good thing to say. I will also tell little kids to respect Mother Earth and all her creatures. Last, if someone is having a tough time, I will take time to check on him and talk to him. I am a Regis Knight.   

Levi G., Regis Knight Class of 2029

I am a Regis Knight. I will model personal growth in an atmosphere of wise freedom. When I make a mistake, I will step up and learn from it every day at Regis even when I don’t want to.  When I have a difficult day, I will make up for it by choosing to be positive and start over the next day. I am a Regis Knight.  

Archer G., Regis Knight Class of 2029

I am a Regis Knight. I vow to commit myself to a personal and an active faith in God. If someone is talking during Espacio, I promise to signal to them to stop talking. If someone’s family member dies, I will pray for them and make a card for the family. I am a Regis Knight.  

Kellen G., Regis Knight Class of 2029

I am a Regis Knight. I pledge to build community as a Christian value. I promise to nicely tell someone something instead of yelling at them. I can do this whenever someone is doing something I don’t like. I vow to become friends with someone from another Sacred Heart School and exchange letters about once a month. I look forward to learning about his school. I am a Regis Knight.  

Moses G., Regis Knight Class of 2029

I am a Regis Knight. I promise to model a deep respect for intellectual values. I commit myself to helping other students in class with their work if they do not understand how to do their work. I could start a book club for second grade through kindergarten to teach them how to read once a week after school. I will also talk to Mrs. Dennis to try to tutor a group of first graders some math tricks twice a week.  I am a Regis Knight.

Oliver H., Regis Knight Class of 2029

I am a Regis Knight. I commit myself to a social awareness that compels action. I will clean up trash if I see it. If someone else is throwing trash on the floor I will tell them to not throw trash on the floor. I will remind people to not make fun of somebody’s culture because everybody’s different. Our differences make us better. I am a Regis Knight.  

Matthieu H., Regis Knight Class of 2029

I am a Regis Knight. I will model personal growth in an atmosphere of wise freedom. I promise not to talk back to adults. If I do, I will apologize and continue to work hard at being respectful. If younger kids aren’t behaving in the bathroom, I will redirect them. I want to help them to learn that the bathroom is not a playground. I am a Regis Knight. 

Hayes H., Regis Knight Class of 2029

I am a Regis Knight. I commit myself to a social awareness that compels to action. I will give someone a compliment when they are having a bad day at least once a week.  I will help straighten and put things back where they’re supposed to be at least once a week. I am a Regis Knight.  

Daniel J., Regis Knight Class of 2029

I am a Regis knight. I Vow to commit myself to a personal and active faith in God. I promise to pray when I am at Mass and will not play around. I will be respectful whenever I am at school, home or anywhere else when someone is talking to me. I am a Regis Knight.  

Isaiah K., Regis Knight Class of 2029

I am a Regis Knight. I commit myself to a social awareness which compels to action. Every morning at morning recess I will support Ms. Cat and Coach Lepara by straightening the backpacks so everyone can play safely. Also at morning recess, if I notice a younger student not playing, I will stop what I’m doing and choose to play with him. I hope my kindness will encourage others to be kind as well. I am a Regis Knight. 

Grayson L., Regis Knight Class of 2029

I am a Regis Knight. I pledge to build community as a Christian value. My first pledge is I will care for the Regis community by choosing to pick up mulch on the playground if it is not where it belongs. I also promise to help younger students be respectful to Mr. Miguel and Mrs. Mariella by reminding them to throw away all their trash at lunch. I will do my part, so Regis has a strong community. I am a Regis Knight.   

Blake M., Regis Knight Class of 2029

I am a Regis knight. I will model personal growth in an atmosphere of wise freedom. I will remind the lower school to walk in a line in the hallway and not run in the hallway by my example. I will quietly remind younger students who are not making a wise choice. I don’t want to see people getting hurt in a hallway. When I am mad or angry I will take a break from people, so I don’t make an unkind choice. I don’t want to teach younger students it’s ok to let anger out on people. I am a Regis Knight.  

Ilerwatide O., Regis Knight Class of 2029

I am a Regis Knight. I promise to model a deep respect for intellectual values. Every day when I finish my work in the classroom, I will ask Ms. Miller or Mrs. Contreras if I may help support any struggling student. Also, every day during class, if kids are getting distracted, I promise to help them to concentrate by gently tapping them or quietly reminding them to get on task. I am a Regis Knight.   

Bear R., Regis Knight Class of 2029

I am a Regis knight. I vow t commit myself to a personal and active faith in God. If a friend is sad or down, I can say hey are you okay? I will do this at least once a week. If someone is sick, I will say a prayer for them. I will pray each day for myself to have a good day and for my friends to have a wonderful day. I am a Regis Knight.   

Sutton S., Regis Knight Class of 2029

I am a Regis Knight. I commit myself to a social awareness which impels to action. I promise to play with any boy who is alone at recess, PE, or at the park. I vow to help clean food that was spilled on the ground at lunch or during snack in the classroom. I know my actions will help make a difference. I am a Regis Knight.  

Christopher S., Regis Knight Class of 2029

I am a Regis Knight. I pledge to build community as a Christian value.  I promise to let everyone play at recess. Whenever I see someone sitting alone, I will ask him to play in my game. I vow to choose to communicate my feelings and after listening choose to forgive someone I feel they did something wrong, bad, or mean. I am a Regis Knight.  

Max S., Regis Knight Class of 2029

I am a Regis Knight. I will model personal growth in an atmosphere of wise freedom. I will work on being a leader by taking time to teach a younger kid a math trick at morning recess once a week. I want to show younger kids it is fun to learn from others. If I notice someone is hurt, I will stop and check on him. This is important because when you feel helped, you choose to help others. I am a Regis Knight. 

Henning S., Regis Knight Class of 2029

I am a Regis Knight. I pledge to build community as a Christian value. I can patiently take time to teach younger kids to use the restroom correctly, especially by reminding them to flush the toilet. I will also work with Mrs. Contreras to find a pen pal from another Sacred Heart school. I want to learn how our two schools are similar and different. I am a Regis Knight.  

Roy T., Regis Knight Class of 2029

I am a Regis knight. I promise to model a deep respect for intellectual values. I will offer to help a person in Math class if I notice he is on a hard problem. I will give him hints on how to do it and share my strategies. I also promise to support the kids who like to draw by reserving a table on the playground for drawing during morning recess. I am a Regis Knight. 

Lincoln T., Regis Knight Class of 2029

I am a Regis Knight. I promise to have a social awareness which compels to action. If someone drops their lunch tray at school, I will always help them clean it up, so they could still have time to eat. If I have books at home that I don’t read anymore, I will collect them to share with other kids. Once or twice a month, I will donate the books. I am a Regis Knight.  

Hunter W., Regis Knight Class of 2029

I am a Regis Knight. I will model personal growth in an atmosphere of wise freedom. I won’t just randomly Google something up for attention unless I have teacher permission. I will admit my mistakes if a student points it out instead of just being frustrated. I will appreciate the growth opportunity. I am a Regis Knight.  

Henderson W., Regis Knight Class of 2029

I am a Regis Knight. I will model personal growth in an atmosphere of wise freedom. One of my two oaths I promise to uphold as a leader of the Lower School is to not use technology inappropriately. For example, I will not put weird pictures as my iPad wallpaper. My second oath is for when I make a mistake at school, I will own up to it and accept the consequences. I will remind myself that consequences can help me learn. I am a Regis Knight.