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Regis' Newest Knights!

Congratulations to all of our newly Knighted 4th grade students! In 4th grade, these boys are the leaders of our Lower School, and they set an example for all those younger than themselves. These Knights have learned to be courteous to all in the Regis community, and they have committed to living as scholars and gentlemen for years to come. Each of our 4th grade Knights stood up on Friday to pledge their fealty to the kingdom of Regis and to describe what they do in their personal lives to live out the Five Goals of the Sacred Heart as Regis Knights. Read through their pledges below.

Thiago B. Knighting

Thiago B.

I am a Regis Knight. I serve Got at all times. I will always pray to God, and for people who died. I will pray for my friends and family. I will always go to church every Sunday. I will always pray for every Knight. I will promise to respect God. I am a Regis Knight.

Harold B Knighting

Harold B.

I am a Regis Knight. I am courteous to all. When someone is entering the room, I will stand and say, "Good morning or good afternoon." If I wish to speak and someone is talking, I will raise my hand. I will choose my words wisely, even when having a bad day. If someone says something mean to me, I promise to say something kind in return. I am a Regis Knight.

Matias C Knighting

Matias C.

I am a Regis Knight. I will defend the weak. I will stand up for friends. I will participate in community service projects. I will help a friend that is struggling. If someone is having a bad day, I will talk to them about it. I am a Regis Knight.

Logan C Knighting

Logan C.

I am a Regis Knight. I am courteous to all. I will hold the door for teachers. I will stand up for visitors. I will greet fellow Knights and visitors. I will raise my hand and will not yell at teachers. I will also follow school rules and procedures. I will promise to be kind to my mom and dad. I am a Regis Knight.

Eli C Knigting

Eli C.

I am Regis Knight. I serve God at all times. I will participate in espacio in Religion class and recite the Sacred Heart prayer every day. I promise to pay attention during Mass. When I think about my actions during the day, I will ask myself, "Is this what God wants me to be doing?" I promise to continue to grow in my faith. I am a Regis Knight.

Seb D Knighting

Sebastiano D.

I am a Regis Knight. I am courteous to all. I will be courteous to teachers by greeting them respectfully. I will also make sure to raise my hand in class instead of shouting out. I will be courteous to my friends by choosing kind words in disagreements and offering to help my friends when I see they might need my help. I am a Regis Knight.

Fran D Knghting

Francisco D.

I am a Regis Knight. I am loyal to King Phillips and the Regis Castle. If King Phillips says, "Good morning," I will say it back, and "How are you?" I will pick up my trash and remind others to pick up theirs. I will keep the mulch in the Gaga Ball pit. I will take care of the books by not ripping them or eating near them. I will talk respectfully to King Phillips and teachers. I am a Regis Knight.

George D Knighting

George D.

I am a Regis Knight. I serve God at all times. I serve Him by thanking Him. Serving God is a very, very hard task to keep. It is kind of like a maze because if you choose the wrong path, you feel guilty. I know I can thank God by making sure I pray before lunch. This prayer time is also a time for me to think about how I'm thankful for everything He's done for me. I can also thank God by continuing to receive all the sacraments. Prayer and participation in sacraments helps show my love for God. I am a Regis Knight.

Axel D Knighting

Axel D.

I am a Regis Knight. I will serve God at all times. I will be respectful in Mass. I will pray every day before I go to bed. I will continue to be an altar server. I will teach others about God by practicing the Five Sacred Heart Goals in my everyday life. I am a Regis Knight.

Pablo G Knighting

Pablo G. 

I am a Regis Knight. I am courteous to all. I will greet adults. I will greet them with a smile and welcoming comment. I will also hold doors for everyone. I will respect my friends and others by listening to them, waiting my turn to speak and choosing kind responses. I promise to help any friend who is down. I am a Regis Knight.

Bradley H Knighting

Bradley H.

I am a Regis Knight. I am loyal to King Phillips and the Regis Community. I will be loyal to the king and castle by following all the rules even if I don't agree with them. I will respect the property and not break anything. I will also clean up after myself and others so there's not a mess left behind. 

Wills H Knighting

Wills H.

I am a Regis Knight. I am loyal to King Phillips and the Regis Castle. I will always pick up trash and throw it in the trash can. If I find a lunch box, I will give it back to the owner. I will always respect the materials that are given to me. I will always clean up after recess. I will always keep my desk clean. I am a Regis Knight. 

Garrett K Knighting

Garrett K.

I am a Regis Knight. I defend the weak. I defend the weak by helping younger kids who are upset or hurt, I will bring them to the teacher. I will listen to others who are feeling down. I will play with younger kids when they have no one to play with. I will also help them when they ask for my help or for my assistance. I am a Regis Knight.

Townes K Knighting

Townes K.

I am a Regis Knight. I defend the weak. I will stand up for people when they need me to. If I see a friend being picked on, I will offer help. I will listen to both people to see what happened. I will help offer a compromise. If someone gets hurt, I will help them. If I finish my class work, I will always check to see if someone needs assistance without telling them the answer. I am a Regis Knight.

Harrison L Knighting

Harrison L.

I am a Regis Knight. I am loyal to King Phillips and the Regis community. I promise to say good morning to him all the time. I will follow instructions from the teacher. If I need help, I raise my hand instead of yelling. When we are working, I am quiet. I am a Regis Knight.

Caden L Knighting

Caden L. 

I am a Regis Knight. I will defend the weak. If someone is hurt mentally or physically, I will go over to them to see what is wrong and try to help them to the nurse or counselor. I will continue to hold the door for classmates and others in the Lower School. I will listen to others' feelings even if I don't agree with them. Finally, as a knight, I will share with my classmates. If I am playing with a ball and a friend wants to play with the ball, I will let them play with it for 15 minutes or we could just play together. These are the things I will do as a Knight to defend the weak. I am a Regis Knight.

Robert M Knighting

Robert M.

I am a Regis Knight. I am loyal to King Phillips and the Regis Kingdom. I promise to clean up on the playground the nI can. I'll organize my desk and cubby. I won't mess around when the teachers are talking. I'll hold the door for students or teachers. I am a Regis Knight.

Grayson P Knighting

Grayson P.

I am a Regis Knight. I will defend the weak. I promise to stand up for friends and communicate my feelings. If I see a friend hurt, I will go and help. I promise to do community service projects and stop racism. I am a Regis Knight.

Eduardo P Knighting

Eduardo P.

I am a Regis Knight. I will serve God at all times. I will serve God by obeying the Ten Commandments at all times. I will make wise choices, like attending mass every Sunday. I will be a friend to all, no matter what grade level they are in. I will treat others how I want to be treated. I will continue to be kind to everyone. I am a Regis Knight.

Jack R Knighting

Jack R.

I am a Regis Knight. I serve God at all times. I will participate in Religion class. I will be quiet during espacio. I will participate during Mass by saying the prayers. I will participate during morning assembly by singing the song. I am a Regis Knight.

Martin R Knighting

Martin R.

I am a Regis Knight. I will serve King Phillips and the Regis Castle. I will listen to his orders or commands. I will also stand up when King Phillips enters the classroom. I will keep my work area really tidy. Finally, I will be kind to King Phillips by opening the door for him. I am a Regis Knight.

Miles R Knighting

Miles R.

I am a Regis Knight. I serve God at all times. If a friend is injured, I will pray for them. I will attend Mass (unless of sickness). I will focus in Religion class. I will pray before school for all the suffering and those who are in purgatory. If I am stressed, I will take a breath and pray that I calm down. I will pray when I am going to receive the Eucharist in Mass. I am a Regis Knight.

Philip T Knighting

Philip T.

I am a Regis Knight. I will be loyal to King Phillips and the Regis Community. I will not destroy anything Regis owns. I will clean up my surroundings. I will not complain about new school rules. I will respect teachers by looking them in the eye and saying hello to them.

Jack W Knighting

Jack W.

I am a Regis Knight. I defend the weak. I will always help others. If somebody is playing by themselves, I will go over there and play with them. If people are fighting over what game to play, I will try to help by saying we can play one game for 10 minutes and the other game for 10 minutes. Then the one we like more, we will continue to play! If that doesn't work, we can play one game one day and the other game the other day. When a friend is feeling down, I will help them by calling them after school or playing with them at recess. I am a Regis Knight.