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Parents' Association

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Parents' Association

Parents' Association Mission Statement

The Parents’ Association (“PA”) is a service organization of involved parents of students enrolled at The Regis School of the Sacred Heart (the “School”). The PA’s objectives are threefold:

  • To provide support, education, and communication among students, teachers, parents, and the Board;
  • To build and strengthen community with mutual respect, instilling Sacred Heart values and the Regis tradition;
  • To provide support for parent education concerning student academic and social development.

The PA sponsors special events and promotes specific fundraising efforts, provides cultural and program enrichment, and supports the marketing and outreach efforts of the School Administration.

Organizational Structure

Vice President – Communication
Immediate Past-President
Parents’ Association Liaison (ex-officio)
Head of School (ex-officio)


Officers are elected to a one-year term with the exception of VP positions which require a two-year commitment. New elections are held in the spring of each year during a regularly-scheduled meeting. In the event of an officer position opening during the school year, a special election will be held.


Nominations for open officer positions, including President-Elect and Vice Presidents, are submitted to the Executive Committee in the spring. The President-Elect will automatically assume the President position at the end of the one-year term as President-Elect. The President presents the nominees to the Executive Committee, which makes the final selections. Newly elected officers will be announced prior to the end of the school year.


All parents of enrolled students are automatically members. Employees of the School and members of the Board of Directors, whose sons are enrolled as students, are also members of the Parents’ Association although they may not hold office or serve as officers.


Membership dues in the amount of $50 per family are collected concurrently with tuition to cover the necessary costs of the PA.


The PA meets monthly, with the exception of December and March. Meetings are open to all Regis parents and should be attended by all Executive Committee members, Committee Chairpersons, and Class Coordinators.

Responsibilities & Duties of Officers
  • Assists the School Administration in identifying and scheduling PA events for the year
  • Coordinates committee activities and special events
  • Recruits committee chairpersons and appoints chairpersons for special events
  • Interfaces with committee chairpersons and the School Administration
  • Provides items for newsletter, emails, and other means of publicity concerning PA events in coordination with Vice President – Communication
  • Prepares agenda for PA meetings
  • Presides at PA meetings
  • Coordinates with committee chairpersons concerning reports to be presented at PA meetings
  • Communicates volunteer opportunities to parents
  • Prepares budget with assistance of President-Elect
  • Ensures maintenance of proper financial records of PA in coordination with school accountant
  • Oversees budget expenditures to ensure budgetary compliance
  • Assists committee chairpersons with budget questions and compliance with specific committee budgets
  • Suggests revisions/updates to the PA by-laws and Committee Chairperson Guidelines
  • Sends out notice of PA meetings and handles all correspondence
  • Assists President with all duties
  • Assists in coordinating committee activities and special events
  • Assists President in preparation of annual budget
  • Coordinates Faculty/Staff Christmas Fund and End of Year Fund
  • Records minutes at all meetings
  • Obtains approval for meeting minutes and coordinates having them posted on the School website
  • Serves as liaison between the School and the PA and as a consultant with the Executive Committee’s work of program planning
  • Acts as liaison between the School and the Executive Committee
  • Assists the Executive Committee and Standing and Event Committees in program planning and scheduling of events
  • Reviews and provides support in preparing the annual PA budget
  • Serves as a consultant to the Executive Committee

Each Committee Chairperson and his/her committee are responsible for coordinating all aspects of the event and are supported by the PA Executive Officers and the Advancement Office. Each chairperson must deliver a committee report at the PA meeting immediately prior to and subsequent to a committee event. Chairpersons of those committees, whose work is ongoing, are respectfully asked to provide a report on the committee’s work either in person or in writing, when requested, at each PA meeting.

Standing Committees
  • Organizes and coordinates fundraising opportunities to raise money for the PA
  • Assists in the design and selection of spiritwear items
  • Coordinates the sale of the School’s spiritwear

Organizes used uniform collection and resale throughout the year


Coordinates this community building event and oversees all aspects of this event with the assistance of the Parents Association Liaison in the Advancement Office 


Organizes an educational program and snack for the students


Highlights international heritage through entertainment, curriculum activities, and a special treat from each country


The PA Executive Committee has the authority to approve the use of funds collected through dues and fundraising activities to promote the purposes of the PA and the general good of the School.   


These guidelines may be amended by a majority vote at a meeting of the general membership. The Executive Committee will submit written notice of the proposed changes to the general membership in advance of the scheduled meeting.

Parents, Volunteers & Visitors

Sign-In Procedures: All visitors must enter through the front door of the Milestones Building. For security reasons, all parents, volunteers, and visitors must sign in at the front desk. Badges will be provided to indicate you have signed in. Those without badges will be asked to obtain one at the front desk. To prevent distractions and disruptions, only students and school personnel may go directly to the classrooms. All messages for volunteers will be left at the front desk. Please check with the receptionist when you sign out.

We are dedicated to providing maximum classroom instructional time to our students and staff. When picking up a student, parents are to wait in the Milestones Building foyer for their child to be sent to them. This procedure is especially important at dismissal times.


Parents and legal guardians are expected to be respectful and cooperate with The Regis School of the Sacred Heart with respect to all decisions affecting the student. Continued enrollment of a student is contingent upon the parents/guardians abiding by school rules and the decisions of the administration. At Regis’ discretion, behavior of a parent or legal guardian which impedes the school’s ability to meet its educational objectives or makes a positive or constructive relationship impossible, may result in suspension or expulsion of a student, separate and apart from the student’s conduct. No refund of tuition or fees will be made if a student is required to withdraw or is expelled as a result of the actions of his parent or other legally responsible adult.