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Safety & Wellness

Health & Wellness
Child Abuse & Neglect

Regis School personnel have a moral obligation as well as a legal obligation to report child abuse and neglect. If a school staff member has “cause to believe” that abuse or neglect has occurred or will occur, they will report the incident to Child Protective Services (CPS). If a School staff member believes the child is in immediate danger or harm, 911 will be called. School staff is expected to recognize and respond to signs of neglect and abuse in students.

Volunteers, Tutors & Child Protection & Safe Environment Training

In accordance with the mandated policy of the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston, all adults working with children enrolled in a Catholic school under the jurisdiction of the Archdiocese will attend the Child Protection and Safe Environment child abuse awareness certification training. This training may be taken at annually designated locations and covers the volunteer for a number of years. Please consult the website for trainings.

Disaster & Fire Drills

Disaster drills are held once each semester. Students are made aware of safe and orderly procedures in case of fire or weather warnings. Students do practice emergency “lock downs” where they must be safely secured within the buildings and, additionally, are verbally prepared to evacuate to either one of our buildings or to Our Lady of Walsingham Catholic Church.

Texas school laws require fire drills to be held monthly August-May with all students and adults leaving the building. Campus-wide, everyone should take fire drills very seriously. Silence is mandatory. Serious infractions will be reported to the Division Heads.

Fire drill procedures are posted in all rooms. At the first sound of the fire signal, students exit the building to their designated areas. After Administration determines all children are accounted for, the signal is given for the students’ return to the building. Strict silence is to be observed by all adults and students until the all-clear notice is given. 

Emergency Policies

In case of emergency inclement weather, such as flooding, storms or icy streets, Regis families will be notified via the IRIS communication system (phone calls, text messages), Veracross email, and displayed on the Regis website. Regis follows the decision of SBISD (Spring Branch Independent School District) regarding school closures only on the first day of any weather-related or emergency event. Following the initial day of closure, Regis will determine if school will be in session or not.

It is imperative that the School has current telephone numbers for each family in case of emergency.  Home, office, and cell numbers for both parents or legal guardians, as well as the number of a person who may assume authority if neither parent can be located, must be on file at all times.

Evacuation Policy

Our Lady of Walsingham Catholic Church located at 7809 Shadyvilla Lane serves as our safety evacuation point, in the event that we must clear the entire Regis School complex.  Students will walk in line to Walsingham where parents will be notified via the IRIS alert system to pick up their children. Our school faculty and staff will be in charge of student supervision until all students are safely connected with their families. 

Health Procedures

A registered nurse staffs the Regis Clinic each day. The school nurses, faculty, and staff are trained in First Aid, CPR, and AED use. The nurse provides care and education to the students, faculty, staff, and parents regarding health and safety. The nurse is responsible for maintaining immunization records, performing health screenings, providing care for injuries and illness, assisting parents and children coping with chronic illness, administering medications as needed and tracking infectious outbreaks. Our goal is for students to be able to maximize their time in school in a safe and healthy manner. Regis has adopted the Magnus Health System for managing all our health records.

Parents will inform the Director of Enrollment Management if their child has a serious or life-threatening chronic illness or condition before admission into the school. Before the first day of school, parents will meet with the nurse to develop an “Individualized Health Care Plan” that will include instructions for observing the illness, care and treatment, medication orders, and special instructions, such as calling EMS or parent notification. Parents will update Veracross with changes in contact information (address, phone numbers, etc.).

It is also imperative that we have up-to-date information on each child, including the Individual Health Care Plan regarding your son’s disease processes, and that each person on your contact list can be reached by phone. All health information is now required to be placed in the Magnus Health System. It is the parents’ responsibility to seek medical attention unless the emergency is so great that the child must be transported immediately from school for treatment. The parents will be notified as soon as possible. Emergency rooms will not render emergency care without the parents’ or guardians’ permission.

When a student is sent to the clinic, another student will accompany him. If your child is sent to the clinic because of serious illness or injury, you or the parent designee on the emergency contact list will be notified. Once notified, we expect that you will come promptly to school.

For the protection of all students, the following guidelines have been set up and must be followed at all times. A child having one or more of the following symptoms will be sent home:

  • fever of 100.0 degrees or higher 
  • suspected contagious disease
  • vomiting
  • diarrhea
  • general malaise (feels too sick to remain in school)

Exclusion & Return to School Guidelines:

A Temperature of 100.0 degrees or above Must be fever free for 24 hours without medication
Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or severe abdominal pain Must be symptom free for 24 hours
Marked drowsiness or malaise Must be symptom free prior to returning to school
Sore throat, acute cold or persistent cough Must be symptom free
Red, inflamed or discharging eyes Must be receiving treatment

Open wound or skin and soft tissue infections
Drainage contained and covered with clean, dry bandage
Swollen glands around jaws, ears or neck Written physician release
Any skin lesion in the weeping stage Covered and diagnosed as non-infectious
Earache Under treatment or healing
Pediculosis Lice  Must be nit free prior to returning to school
Other symptoms suggestive of acute illness Written physician release if child has missed multiple days of school

If your child has any of the above symptoms in the morning before coming to school, please keep him at home. A STUDENT MAY NOT RETURN TO SCHOOL UNTIL FREE FROM FEVER, VOMITING, OR DIARRHEA FOR 24 HOURS.

Illness: Please report any communicable diseases (i.e., COVID, influenza, strep throat, pink eye, impetigo, chicken pox, etc.) to the clinic. Please report any lice infestations. Any child with lice must be treated and then checked by the school nurse. The school requires a child to be nit free to return to school.

Vision, hearing, and scoliosis screenings are conducted yearly, in addition to risk assessment for Type 2 Diabetes in children as mandated by the State of Texas. The school nurse may make a referral for further examination. If a child is referred, the necessary form with the results and the doctor’s signature must be returned to the school and placed in the student’s health file. All students must meet state health requirements before attending classes.

A Health Form, complete with Immunization Record showing a history of immunizations received, must be on file for each child enrolled. All immunizations must be completed and validated by the doctor or health clinic prior to the first day of school. No child will be allowed in class without the completion of these requirements.

Immunization Requirements

A Health Form, complete with Immunization Record showing a history of immunizations received, must be on file for each child enrolled. All immunizations must be completed and validated by the doctor or health clinic prior to the first day of school. No child will be allowed in class without the completion of these requirements.

The Texas Catholic Conference Accreditation Commission approved a statewide immunization policy. Every student enrolled in a Catholic school in the State of Texas shall be immunized against vaccine preventable diseases caused by infectious agents in accordance with the immunization schedule adopted by the Texas Department of State Health Services. A student who fails to present the required evidence shall not be accepted for enrollment. The only exception to the foregoing requirement is a medical exemption signed by a licensed physician (M.D. or D.O.) authorized to practice in the State of Texas. Catholic schools in Texas do not accept exemptions from immunizations for Reasons of Conscience.


According to Texas Education Code 21.914 on the administering of medication by School employees:

  • Only medications that are necessary for the student to stay in school will be administered during school hours.
  • All medications will be dispensed in the clinic.
  • Signed physician orders and parent authorization must be provided through the Magnus Health System for both prescription and over-the-counter medications prior to administration. This includes Tylenol, Advil, TUMS, creams, topical antibiotic ointments, cough drops, etc.
  • The clinic does not have “stock” medications; therefore, all medications must be provided by the parent in the original bottle/container with the correct label in English and delivered to the clinic by the parent.
  • Students may not carry medication on them, this includes cough drops.
  • For short-term needs, parents may bring medication and dispense to the student in the clinic.
  • Students in Fifth through Eighth Grade may carry emergency medications such as asthma inhalers and epi-pens if the proper paperwork is filled out and procedures are followed.
  • Medication is not kept in the clinic after the school year ends and will be properly destroyed if not picked up.
  • Parents/guardians or designated adults must deliver and pick up medicine to be administered. Parents/guardians are encouraged to schedule the administration of student medicine so that medication brought to school is kept to a minimum.
  • The following will not be administered at school: herbal, essential oils, non-FDA approved nor non-United States medications.
  • If possible, please work out a medication schedule with your doctor that will eliminate the administration of medicine at school. Parents will be notified when any of the above “over the counter” medications have been requested by their children.
  • It is the responsibility of the student to report to the designated area to take medication.
Photography & Media Likeness Usage Policy

Regis reserves the right to use photographs and images of enrolled students in its publications, website, social media, press releases, and other promotional materials.

Students whose images or photos are used by Regis may be identified by first name and last initial. To highlight specific accomplishments and achievements, a student’s name may appear in news stories published on the website or through social media. Photos or images of a student whose parents have requested that their child’s image not be used, or photograph to be taken, will not be published or posted.

A student’s parents must specifically inform the Director of Communications in writing that the school may not use the student’s image, photo, or name as described above. Otherwise, Regis may use a student’s photo, image or name consistent with terms of this policy.

Social Media Policy for Students

At Regis we believe very strongly that pre-adolescents and young adolescents are ill equipped and developmentally unable to manage independently the complexity of communication in the social media realm. Accordingly, social media is not to be installed on student iPads and students are not to engage in social media exchanges while on the Regis campus. The School may also block access on the School’s network to social media or any other content the School deems inappropriate. For these reasons, we also prohibit students from using their school email accounts for social media purposes.

We advise very strongly against parents allowing their children to subscribe to or participate unsupervised in any of the wide array of social media networking available through an equally wide array of media. Since subscriptions to and participation in these sites are ultimately family decisions, we acknowledge that inappropriate electronic communication originating off campus or associated with social networking is best dealt with initially in the family setting. When parents become aware of objectionable or threatening statements via their child’s social networking sites, they are to contact first the parents of the other student(s) involved prior to contacting the School.

The School is not responsible for any material (photographs, videos, audio recordings) posted on personal websites or social media sites or transmitted through other electronic means such as text messaging or photo sharing websites without its permission.

However, if families choose to use social media, please apply the following guidelines to posts
involving Regis:

  • Use a respectful tone and appropriate language when making social media posts or messages involving or about the School or other members of the Regis community.
  • When posting pictures, videos or audio recordings from Regis events, use security settings and allow only family and other Regis community members access.
  • Use only first names of students appearing in social media posts or messages and only first names of adults.
  • Do not use the School's logo or other intellectual property without prior written permission from the School's Communications Office. Similarly, do not purport to speak on behalf of the School or mislead others into believing you speak with authority from the School unless you have prior written permission from the School's Communications Office.

The School will from time to time review publicly available social media posts and messages made by Regis community members and take action on any information learned from those reviews. Inappropriate use of social media, including bullying, or violations of other school policies learned about via social media will be handled through the School's disciplinary procedure set forth in this handbook and can result in disciplinary action.


Child Abuse & Neglect

Regis School personnel have a moral obligation as well as a legal obligation to report child abuse and neglect. If a school staff member has “cause to believe” that abuse or neglect has occurred or will occur, they will report the incident to Child Protective Services (CPS). If a School staff member believes the child is in immediate danger or harm, 911 will be called. School staff is expected to recognize and respond to signs of neglect and abuse in students.

Volunteers, Tutors & Child Protection & Safe Environment Training

In accordance with the mandated policy of the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston, all adults working with children enrolled in a Catholic school under the jurisdiction of the Archdiocese will attend the Child Protection and Safe Environment child abuse awareness certification training. This training may be taken at annually designated locations and covers the volunteer for a number of years. Please consult the website for trainings.

Disaster & Fire Drills

Disaster drills are held once each semester. Students are made aware of safe and orderly procedures in case of fire or weather warnings. Students do practice emergency “lock downs” where they must be safely secured within the buildings and, additionally, are verbally prepared to evacuate to either one of our buildings or to Our Lady of Walsingham Catholic Church.

Texas school laws require fire drills to be held monthly August-May with all students and adults leaving the building. Campus-wide, everyone should take fire drills very seriously. Silence is mandatory. Serious infractions will be reported to the Division Heads.

Fire drill procedures are posted in all rooms. At the first sound of the fire signal, students exit the building to their designated areas. After Administration determines all children are accounted for, the signal is given for the students’ return to the building. Strict silence is to be observed by all adults and students until the all-clear notice is given. 

Emergency Policies

In case of emergency inclement weather, such as flooding, storms or icy streets, Regis families will be notified via the IRIS communication system (phone calls, text messages), Veracross email, and displayed on the Regis website. Regis follows the decision of SBISD (Spring Branch Independent School District) regarding school closures only on the first day of any weather-related or emergency event. Following the initial day of closure, Regis will determine if school will be in session or not.

It is imperative that the School has current telephone numbers for each family in case of emergency.  Home, office, and cell numbers for both parents or legal guardians, as well as the number of a person who may assume authority if neither parent can be located, must be on file at all times.

Evacuation Policy

Our Lady of Walsingham Catholic Church located at 7809 Shadyvilla Lane serves as our safety evacuation point, in the event that we must clear the entire Regis School complex.  Students will walk in line to Walsingham where parents will be notified via the IRIS alert system to pick up their children. Our school faculty and staff will be in charge of student supervision until all students are safely connected with their families. 


Child Abuse & Neglect

Regis School personnel have a moral obligation as well as a legal obligation to report child abuse and neglect. If a school staff member has “cause to believe” that abuse or neglect has occurred or will occur, they will report the incident to Child Protective Services (CPS). If a School staff member believes the child is in immediate danger or harm, 911 will be called. School staff is expected to recognize and respond to signs of neglect and abuse in students.

Volunteers, Tutors & Child Protection & Safe Environment Training

In accordance with the mandated policy of the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston, all adults working with children enrolled in a Catholic school under the jurisdiction of the Archdiocese will attend the Child Protection and Safe Environment child abuse awareness certification training. This training may be taken at annually designated locations and covers the volunteer for a number of years. Please consult the website for trainings.

Disaster & Fire Drills

Disaster drills are held once each semester. Students are made aware of safe and orderly procedures in case of fire or weather warnings. Students do practice emergency “lock downs” where they must be safely secured within the buildings and, additionally, are verbally prepared to evacuate to either one of our buildings or to Our Lady of Walsingham Catholic Church.

Texas school laws require fire drills to be held monthly August-May with all students and adults leaving the building. Campus-wide, everyone should take fire drills very seriously. Silence is mandatory. Serious infractions will be reported to the Division Heads.

Fire drill procedures are posted in all rooms. At the first sound of the fire signal, students exit the building to their designated areas. After Administration determines all children are accounted for, the signal is given for the students’ return to the building. Strict silence is to be observed by all adults and students until the all-clear notice is given. 

Emergency Policies

In case of emergency inclement weather, such as flooding, storms or icy streets, Regis families will be notified via the IRIS communication system (phone calls, text messages), Veracross email, and displayed on the Regis website. Regis follows the decision of SBISD (Spring Branch Independent School District) regarding school closures only on the first day of any weather-related or emergency event. Following the initial day of closure, Regis will determine if school will be in session or not.

It is imperative that the School has current telephone numbers for each family in case of emergency.  Home, office, and cell numbers for both parents or legal guardians, as well as the number of a person who may assume authority if neither parent can be located, must be on file at all times.

Evacuation Policy

Our Lady of Walsingham Catholic Church located at 7809 Shadyvilla Lane serves as our safety evacuation point, in the event that we must clear the entire Regis School complex.  Students will walk in line to Walsingham where parents will be notified via the IRIS alert system to pick up their children. Our school faculty and staff will be in charge of student supervision until all students are safely connected with their families. 


Health & Wellness

COVID Quarantine and Exposure Protocols

The Regis School of the Sacred Heart will follow the below protocols effective August 31, 2023.

RESPONSE AFTER EXPOSURE Vaccinated & Unvaccinated Individuals 
Regardless of vaccination status, the following protocols are in effect for the 2023-24 school year.

  • In the instance of a concerning number of cases in a grade, all families in that grade will be notified by email of a potential exposure.
  • Parents will then be able to decide if they would like their student(s) to mask while on campus following exposure.
  • Parents should monitor their student(s) for symptoms, and if symptoms present, then keep the student home for testing.
  • Parents do not need to notify the clinic of any exposures to positive individuals outside of school.

QUARANTINE AFTER POSITIVE TEST Vaccinated & Unvaccinated Individuals 
Regardless of vaccination status, the following protocols are in effect for the 2023-24 school year.

  • Notify the Clinic of positive test at or (713) 682-8383.
  • Complete COVID-19 Reporting Form at
  • Quarantine for 5 days.
  • Return to Campus Criteria after 5-Day Quarantine:
  • Fever free for 24-hours without fever reducing medication
  • Lessening of Symptoms or Asymptomatic
  • Individual may return to campus on Day 6 and must wear a mask Day 6-10

This policy may be amended at any time in response to changes in the COVID-19 pandemic. Parents will be notified of any policy updates in a timely manner.

Health Procedures

A registered nurse staffs the Regis Clinic each day. The school nurses, faculty, and staff are trained in First Aid, CPR, and AED use. The nurse provides care and education to the students, faculty, staff, and parents regarding health and safety. The nurse is responsible for maintaining immunization records, performing health screenings, providing care for injuries and illness, assisting parents and children coping with chronic illness, administering medications as needed and tracking infectious outbreaks. Our goal is for students to be able to maximize their time in school in a safe and healthy manner. Regis has adopted the Magnus Health System for managing all our health records.

Parents will inform the Director of Enrollment Management if their child has a serious or life-threatening chronic illness or condition before admission into the school. Before the first day of school, parents will meet with the nurse to develop an “Individualized Health Care Plan” that will include instructions for observing the illness, care and treatment, medication orders, and special instructions, such as calling EMS or parent notification. Parents will update Veracross with changes in contact information (address, phone numbers, etc.).

It is also imperative that we have up-to-date information on each child, including the Individual Health Care Plan regarding your son’s disease processes, and that each person on your contact list can be reached by phone. All health information is now required to be placed in the Magnus Health System. It is the parents’ responsibility to seek medical attention unless the emergency is so great that the child must be transported immediately from school for treatment. The parents will be notified as soon as possible. Emergency rooms will not render emergency care without the parents’ or guardians’ permission.

When a student is sent to the clinic, another student will accompany him. If your child is sent to the clinic because of serious illness or injury, you or the parent designee on the emergency contact list will be notified. Once notified, we expect that you will come promptly to school.

For the protection of all students, the following guidelines have been set up and must be followed at all times. A child having one or more of the following symptoms will be sent home:

  • fever of 100.0 degrees or higher 
  • suspected contagious disease
  • vomiting
  • diarrhea
  • general malaise (feels too sick to remain in school)

Exclusion & Return to School Guidelines:

A Temperature of 100.0 degrees or above Must be fever free for 24 hours without medication
Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or severe abdominal pain Must be symptom free for 24 hours
Marked drowsiness or malaise Must be symptom free prior to returning to school
Sore throat, acute cold or persistent cough Must be symptom free
Red, inflamed or discharging eyes Must be receiving treatment

Open wound or skin and soft tissue infections
Drainage contained and covered with clean, dry bandage
Swollen glands around jaws, ears or neck Written physician release
Any skin lesion in the weeping stage Covered and diagnosed as non-infectious
Earache Under treatment or healing
Pediculosis Lice  Must be nit free prior to returning to school
Other symptoms suggestive of acute illness Written physician release if child has missed multiple days of school

If your child has any of the above symptoms in the morning before coming to school, please keep him at home. A STUDENT MAY NOT RETURN TO SCHOOL UNTIL FREE FROM FEVER, VOMITING, OR DIARRHEA FOR 24 HOURS.

Illness: Please report any communicable diseases (i.e., COVID, influenza, strep throat, pink eye, impetigo, chicken pox, etc.) to the clinic. Please report any lice infestations. Any child with lice must be treated and then checked by the school nurse. The school requires a child to be nit free to return to school.

Vision, hearing, and scoliosis screenings are conducted yearly, in addition to risk assessment for Type 2 Diabetes in children as mandated by the State of Texas. The school nurse may make a referral for further examination. If a child is referred, the necessary form with the results and the doctor’s signature must be returned to the school and placed in the student’s health file. All students must meet state health requirements before attending classes.

A Health Form, complete with Immunization Record showing a history of immunizations received, must be on file for each child enrolled. All immunizations must be completed and validated by the doctor or health clinic prior to the first day of school. No child will be allowed in class without the completion of these requirements.

Immunization Requirements

A Health Form, complete with Immunization Record showing a history of immunizations received, must be on file for each child enrolled. All immunizations must be completed and validated by the doctor or health clinic prior to the first day of school. No child will be allowed in class without the completion of these requirements.

The Texas Catholic Conference Accreditation Commission approved a statewide immunization policy. Every student enrolled in a Catholic school in the State of Texas shall be immunized against vaccine preventable diseases caused by infectious agents in accordance with the immunization schedule adopted by the Texas Department of State Health Services. A student who fails to present the required evidence shall not be accepted for enrollment. The only exception to the foregoing requirement is a medical exemption signed by a licensed physician (M.D. or D.O.) authorized to practice in the State of Texas. Catholic schools in Texas do not accept exemptions from immunizations for Reasons of Conscience.


According to Texas Education Code 21.914 on the administering of medication by School employees:

  • Only medications that are necessary for the student to stay in school will be administered during school hours.
  • All medications will be dispensed in the clinic.
  • Signed physician orders and parent authorization must be provided through the Magnus Health System for both prescription and over-the-counter medications prior to administration. This includes Tylenol, Advil, TUMS, creams, topical antibiotic ointments, cough drops, etc.
  • The clinic does not have “stock” medications; therefore, all medications must be provided by the parent in the original bottle/container with the correct label in English and delivered to the clinic by the parent.
  • Students may not carry medication on them, this includes cough drops.
  • For short-term needs, parents may bring medication and dispense to the student in the clinic.
  • Students in Fifth through Eighth Grade may carry emergency medications such as asthma inhalers and epi-pens if the proper paperwork is filled out and procedures are followed.
  • Medication is not kept in the clinic after the school year ends and will be properly destroyed if not picked up.
  • Parents/guardians or designated adults must deliver and pick up medicine to be administered. Parents/guardians are encouraged to schedule the administration of student medicine so that medication brought to school is kept to a minimum.
  • The following will not be administered at school: herbal, essential oils, non-FDA approved nor non-United States medications.
  • If possible, please work out a medication schedule with your doctor that will eliminate the administration of medicine at school. Parents will be notified when any of the above “over the counter” medications have been requested by their children.
  • It is the responsibility of the student to report to the designated area to take medication.

Health & Wellness

Photography & Social Media

Photography & Social Media

Photography & Media Likeness Usage Policy

Regis reserves the right to use photographs and images of enrolled students in its publications, website, social media, press releases, and other promotional materials.

Students whose images or photos are used by Regis may be identified by first name and last initial. To highlight specific accomplishments and achievements, a student’s name may appear in news stories published on the website or through social media. Photos or images of a student whose parents have requested that their child’s image not be used, or photograph to be taken, will not be published or posted.

A student’s parents must specifically inform the Director of Communications in writing that the school may not use the student’s image, photo, or name as described above. Otherwise, Regis may use a student’s photo, image or name consistent with terms of this policy.

Social Media Policy for Students

At Regis we believe very strongly that pre-adolescents and young adolescents are ill equipped and developmentally unable to manage independently the complexity of communication in the social media realm. Accordingly, social media is not to be installed on student iPads and students are not to engage in social media exchanges while on the Regis campus. The School may also block access on the School’s network to social media or any other content the School deems inappropriate. For these reasons, we also prohibit students from using their school email accounts for social media purposes.

We advise very strongly against parents allowing their children to subscribe to or participate unsupervised in any of the wide array of social media networking available through an equally wide array of media. Since subscriptions to and participation in these sites are ultimately family decisions, we acknowledge that inappropriate electronic communication originating off campus or associated with social networking is best dealt with initially in the family setting. When parents become aware of objectionable or threatening statements via their child’s social networking sites, they are to contact first the parents of the other student(s) involved prior to contacting the School.

The School is not responsible for any material (photographs, videos, audio recordings) posted on personal websites or social media sites or transmitted through other electronic means such as text messaging or photo sharing websites without its permission.

However, if families choose to use social media, please apply the following guidelines to posts
involving Regis:

  • Use a respectful tone and appropriate language when making social media posts or messages involving or about the School or other members of the Regis community.
  • When posting pictures, videos or audio recordings from Regis events, use security settings and allow only family and other Regis community members access.
  • Use only first names of students appearing in social media posts or messages and only first names of adults.
  • Do not use the School's logo or other intellectual property without prior written permission from the School's Communications Office. Similarly, do not purport to speak on behalf of the School or mislead others into believing you speak with authority from the School unless you have prior written permission from the School's Communications Office.

The School will from time to time review publicly available social media posts and messages made by Regis community members and take action on any information learned from those reviews. Inappropriate use of social media, including bullying, or violations of other school policies learned about via social media will be handled through the School's disciplinary procedure set forth in this handbook and can result in disciplinary action.